Hello and welcome.
I am pleased to introduce you to the vision of ASCIRA - THE COMPANY FOR THE PEOPLE.
In December 2020 I was made aware of ASCIRA by a business partner. In a sleepless night with many questions as to whether that would really be possible, who should I speak to, what does ASCIRA offer me for the future?
These questions and many more occupied me on the following day. If all of this is correct, then it would be the chance of my life! After another zoom with my sponsor, all my questions were clarified and I registered with ASCIRA.
What happened in the following days is still a dream and indescribably positive. This business offers everyone the chance to lead the life they want in their dreams.
With ASCIRA, I not only offer to travel at the best price, to train with a flat rate, to network, to shop digitally in 3D, but also to lead the life everyone wants. To be independent in terms of time and finances!
How is that possible? Let's talk on the phone.
Michael Weber